Myio Documentation
This is the sum total of the documents describing the Myio project. Over time this will grow, in theory, to be a complete reference guide.
NOTE: All of this is currently a work in progress, and it will change as I get the inclination to edit it, or as I develop bits of the Myio system.
- 1.0 Goals and Concepts : My goals, and the concepts behind what I'm trying to do
- 2.0 Interface : The interface definition for the Myio project.
- 2.1 EIA485 (RS485) : How I'm implimenting RS485 on my RTU
- 2.2 modbus Protocol : Progress on the implimentation of modbus for my RTU
- 2.2a My Modbus : Specfication for my own version of modus, sorta
- 3.0 Software : Software running on the PC / PLC end of the MyIO project
- 3.1 Logger : The first PC software output from the MyIO project